Trump's racism was on full view at his rally of July 17
Trump's racism was on full view at his rally of July 17. Nothing new in this, except for two factors: The
intensity and the inheritance from the President's father -- a convicted KKK adherent. One of the great
missteps of democracy is its tendency to be manipulated by its enemies. Trump an enemy of
democracy. Plain and simple.
intensity and the inheritance from the President's father -- a convicted KKK adherent. One of the great
missteps of democracy is its tendency to be manipulated by its enemies. Trump an enemy of
democracy. Plain and simple.
Here is why:
Donald and his dad have excluded applications by people of color from renting Trump's apartments in
Queens, New York;
Queens, New York;
Donald has called African countries: "Shithole countries;"
Donald has labelled congresswoman Ilhan Omar and her colleagues of color as "anti-American;"
Donald has been video recorded as repeatedly using the epithet "nigger;"
Donald has openly called for welcoming immigration from Norway (he called it Normay);
Donald has abandoned the 2015 Iran deal reached by 5 other countries. Including Britain, China, France,
Russia, and Germany;
Russia, and Germany;
Donald's Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is a die-hard evangelist, looking upon all other faiths as cults;
Donald's National Security Advisor, John Bolt, sees war as the only effective weapon against Iran. A war
lord on the prowl; going about in search of plunder;
lord on the prowl; going about in search of plunder;
Donald has not read the US Constitution. He is proven to be a non-reader. Thus he is not aware of the
opening words of that basic law;
opening words of that basic law;
Those words are: "We The People." All the people who happen to be is the US; excluding visitors and
If "Send Her Back" is applied across the board, Trump's third spouse should be shipped back to
The idiot is "An Existential Threat" to America. The quoted words are those of a former US President.
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