Trump's Push Toward Civil War

Nothing seems to matter to Trump's view of anything except one thing: Trump. His glorified narcissism is at its zenith whenever he is criticized or attacked. The Tweeter-in-Chief is always at the ready, defending himself while attacking his enemies. Trump's tools are at permanent deployment, with Fox News acting as his tanks divisions.

"Make America Great Again" has, as a Trumpian slogan, always meant that America is for the whites only. All other colors and ethnicities represent to the Donald a kind of a fifth column, slowing his America from its manifest destiny. In his way of thinking, America should be walled off the rest of the globe. Especially against Mexico and southward. His vocabulary is a window to his muddled thinking.

Calling Mexican immigrants rapists and drug mules, banning Muslims, describing African States "shit hole countries," and showing tacit support for white supremacists, are all indicative of racism and the desire to see in America the white color only. Thus, Puerto Rico, an American associated territory is not deserving of federal aid as other parts of the American homeland. For Puerto Ricans are a population of color -thus undeserving of US aid even in the wake of natural disasters.

Throughout his tenure, Trump has stood for the moral equivalency between fascists and mainstream Americans; called on Afro-American to support him on the flimsy premise of "What Have You Got To Lose?;" and attacked the city of Baltimore, as "rodent infested" where "no one would want to live." That was a frontal racist attack on democratic Congressman Cummings of that great city, a great Afro-American who now heads the House Oversight Committee.

With the majority of Afro-Americans being anti-Trump, the only instrument in Trump's toolkit is dividing America by the metrics of color. Not only has the Republican party is now safe in Trump's back pocket. The gerrymanders perpetrated by the Republicans at the state level for the past 20 years have meant denial to the blacks equality before the law. An aspect of that denial is disenfranchising nearly 15% of the American population.

It is nearly hilarious to hear Trump saying "I am the least racist person in America." Defending himself against the charge of racism. For even if you were acknowledging that you are a bit racist, you are still standing in the racist queue.

Evidence to the contrary has been blurted by himself through his foul mouth, or by his own signature. The most obvious of that evidence is his Muslim ban. And the oldest such demonstration of racism is his denial of would-be black tenant applicants of his apartment in Queens. Their applications were stamped with a big "N" -negro.

Trump is a loon diseased by what might rightly called "negrophobic" -fear or disdain of black. His father, a Ku Klux Klan malfeasant was incarcerated for his racial hooliganism. That disease, is so embedded in Donald's brain that it also manifests itself in his choice of the word "infestation." That term is used by Trump as a dog whistle for denigration of what he imagines is the Afro-American way of life.

Trump's stand on gun control has been evidence in a variety of ways. In the wake of the August massacres in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, Trump resorted to his habitual deflection of the obvious fact. The killer was a white supremacist who repeated in his manifesto the term repeated by the US President "an invasion." This is term which has been manipulated by Trump in his fear-driven policy against immigration.

Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority Senate leader has ignored the appeal to bring an anti-gun measure to the Senate floor even after the carriage in both Texas and Ohio. For both the Donald and Mitch stand in awe of the power of the National Rifle Association. Hiding behind the Second Amendment is a transparent escapism. That amendment was incorporated in the body of the U.S. Constitution at a time when state militias were the only defense available to the states.

With cities like El Paso and Dayton urging Trump not to visit -he is not seen as a sincere consoler -the lines are being sharply drawn: Afro-Americans and Latino are one side, and Trump's enablers are on the other side. In the meantime, Fox News, the Trumpian oriented channel, is advocating the militarization of nearly every establishment.

The only exit for Trump from the woes surrounding him is an intra-American conflict, a new kind of civil war. Whites against colored Americans; Blue states against Red states; corporate America standing in opposition to economic inequality; and 40% who are below the poverty line against the super-rich.

Rick Wilson, an American author has written a widely celebrated book. Its title tells about Donald J. Trump. "Everything Trump Touches Dies." Under Trump, this American Union is in mortal peril.


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