
Showing posts from August, 2019

Caring for the Yazidis

Dear Hend:  I am addressing this to you in your new capacity as President of SUNSGLOW - Global Training In The Rule of Law. Your caring for the Yazidis as new Canadians is very commendable. That  care reflects your trans-border (Canadian/American) commitment to all humanitarian causes.  For the agendas of COFION and SUNSGLOW are the two sides of the same coin.     That coin was forged in the ovens of the disasters of the Holocaust, the Second World War, and  the chaos created by ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Your efforts are thus a reflection of purposeful work intended  to regain for all humanity its God-given sovereign dignity.     Of course, your care for the Yazidis need funding -both governmental and non-governmental. But with persistent advocacy and planning, the Yazidis, especially the children, women, and the elderly, shall finally attract the fullest world attention which they truly deserve.

“Send Her Back!!"

“Send Her Back!!" So chanted the crowd, mesmerized by Fascist Trump. He, for his part, luxuriated  in that mass hooliganism. For he was, as The Divider-in-Chief, its inspiration. Congresswoman, Ilhan  Omar, has got under his thin skin. Her welcoming crowds in Minnesota had cheered her for standing  up to that bully. Described herself as his "nightmare." His rule by fear was being deflated by Omar  who is now his quadruple nemesis: A woman, a Muslim, an immigrant, a black.     That IBMW combination is Trump's veritable ghost. A bold challenge to his mantra "America First."   Meaning, in a decoded fashion, "America Is For Whites Only." With a brain which is non-active, Trump  is the real wall blocking immigrants at the Mexican border. The funny thing is that his insane claim of  Mexican immigrants being drug mules and rapists, is a reflection of that idiot of a president.     Howard Dean of Vermont, former...

Trump's racism was on full view at his rally of July 17

Trump's racism was on full view at his rally of July 17. Nothing new in this, except for two factors: The  intensity and the inheritance from the President's father -- a convicted KKK adherent. One of the great  missteps of democracy is its tendency to be manipulated by its enemies. Trump an enemy of  democracy. Plain and simple.  Here is why:  Donald and his dad have excluded applications by people of color from renting Trump's apartments in  Queens, New York;  Donald has called African countries: "Shithole countries;"   Donald has labelled congresswoman Ilhan Omar and her colleagues of color as "anti-American;"   Donald has been video recorded as repeatedly using the epithet "nigger;"   Donald has openly called for welcoming immigration from Norway (he called it Normay);  Donald has abandoned the 2015 Iran deal reached by 5 other countries. Including Britain, China, France,  Russia, and Germany; Donald...

The Fourth of July is an occasion for celebrating US values

The Fourth of July is an occasion for celebrating US values. Summed up, these values are anchored in  America as a law-based enterprise, framed by diversity, and underpinned by a venerable Constitution.  Its trumverate is: The Declaration of Independence; the Constitution; and the system of checks and  balances. With a non-politicized judiciary. Free from the absurd shenanigans of the likes of Mitch  McConnel, and William Barr. The primary enablers of Trumpian lawlessness.     Sadly, in the age of Trump, The Fourth is bereft of its ideological luster. Trump, the super narcissist,  has hijacked it. Turned it into a day for celebrating "your most favorite president." The militarization  of the Fourth is nothing but foisting a mammoth fiction. That fiction is designed to eternalize the cult of  Trumpism. A cult which is telegraphed by his crazy utterance "I alone can fix it."      Tanks in the streets of Wash...

Empty Head

By now, it is common knowledge that Trump is an empty head. His touching the soil of North Korea  is a mere gesture: valuable to Kim; no value to the rest of the world. Including America. North Korea  remains an aggressively nuclear State; hostile to the US. And the personal diplomacy of Trump shall  prove incapable of changing that equation.     Trump's idiocy is reflected in his myopic belief that "a beautiful letter" from Kim to him is akin to a  peace treaty. Such empty gestures prove only one thing: Kim is playing a near insane American  President as a fiddle. No gain for America; all gain for the North Korean who is hungry for the world  spot light.     Contrast that situation with the way Trump deals with America's allies: Japan and South Korea. He  threatens to terminate the US defense treaty with Japan. And has cancelled the traditional annual  joint military exercises with South Korea....

Chuckling At Democratic Values

Authoritarian presidents Trump and Putin may chuckle all they want. Power deadens their hearing faculties. So they are either unaware of the angry rumblings below their feet. Or are belittling its long term effect on their lousy futures. Such idiots are the neo-colonialists. Seeing only the economic solution as the one-way insurance to their staying in power . The slogan of Not By Bread Alone shall never die. Reason why Jared Kushner's so-called peace  plan is DOA (Dead On Arrival) in the Middle East. For throwing money at the oppressed Palestinian  millions shall only exacerbate their anger at denying their God-given right to sovereignty. Their spiritual  strength shall one day overwhelm their material weakness.   I have made that case before. In my book "The United Nations And Decolonization" (Nihoff, 1971)  is an elaboration of the same theme. You can never enslave forever. Otherwise the Roman Empire,  or Rule Britania, or The Third Re...


Kushner thinks as an imperialist. Give them bread shall make them happy. He believes that improving the Palestinian economy is tantamount to fulfilling Palestinian national aspirations. That is 18th century road map to disaster. People's sovereignty is not a commodity. Least of all, solving its challenges is not akin to a real estate  deal. One of the reasons for that is that it is not negotiable. Kushner's circle, including Mohammed Bin  Salman, are not aware of a primary ingredient: Sovereignty is two things: A birth right, and is inalienable.  As a birth right, it cannot be bargainable. As an inalienable right, it is like a limb of your body. It cannot  be torn away except in a terror chamber. None of these principles is penetrable into the iron-clad skulls  of the likes of Jared Kushner. For the Kushners, deal-making is a second faith. This is probably the  reason for their multiple bankruptcies.  Jared and his Ivanka may prance a...

The Human Element In Unwinnable Wars

We cite three examples of Unwinnable Wars: Afghanistan; Palestine; and Yemen. The failure of combat there is due largely to the existence of indigenous populations on the ground. You can never vanquish that stubborn element. That element is so unyielding that no amount of force can prevail over it. That is regardless of how much physical power you apply against it.    Force has been brought against the Taliban by the US and its western allies since 2002. By Israel  aganist the Palestinian Arabs for seventy years. By the Saudis and Emaratis against the Houthis in  Yemen for four years. To no avail. No military solution, and no political compromise. In the three  instances, the high dam against that solution is the human will on the ground.     There is the limit of technology, blunted into oblivion by the rag tag resisting humans wearing their funny looking turbans or head gear. But laughing among themselves at the ineptn...