“Send Her Back!!"

“Send Her Back!!" So chanted the crowd, mesmerized by Fascist Trump. He, for his part, luxuriated 
in that mass hooliganism. For he was, as The Divider-in-Chief, its inspiration. Congresswoman, Ilhan 
Omar, has got under his thin skin. Her welcoming crowds in Minnesota had cheered her for standing 
up to that bully. Described herself as his "nightmare." His rule by fear was being deflated by Omar 
who is now his quadruple nemesis: A woman, a Muslim, an immigrant, a black. 
That IBMW combination is Trump's veritable ghost. A bold challenge to his mantra "America First." 
Meaning, in a decoded fashion, "America Is For Whites Only." With a brain which is non-active, Trump 
is the real wall blocking immigrants at the Mexican border. The funny thing is that his insane claim of 
Mexican immigrants being drug mules and rapists, is a reflection of that idiot of a president. 
Howard Dean of Vermont, former DNC Chairman and a physician, had made an assertion on national 
TV: Observing Trump swaying and sniffing, he concluded as follows: Trump acts as a cocaine user. 
It is common knowledge that cocaine produces instability. As for rape, recent court filings have come 
from more than a dozen female accusers. So had acknowledged Cohen, his former attorney and fixer. 
Provided written evidence by showing checks signed by Trump, and by Donald Jr. hush money that 
screamed out the truth about that rogue of a president.
So, Mr. Trump, "Send Her Back" might in reality apply aptly to your third spouse, Melania on whom 
you cheated on repeatedly. Slovenia awaits her as the naturalized alien in America, and the true daughter 
of the former Yugoslavia. Donald: You live in a virtual glass house. Hurling constantly stones of fear 
may have a boomerang effect. Might hit that claimed spur in your leg, which enabled you, for five 
times, to escape the draft. 
Loving America by Americans is a given. Where was your love for America which you made 
subservient to Putin? For the Trump Moscow Tower of which you are still dreaming has already 
been built by Russian Intel. It is made of the pile of videos made on you as you consorted with 
Russian prostitutes in the Russian capital. The bubble of your bluster to the contrary has been 

The Druggist and the Rapist are one person. Who came to the Oval Office on the false wings of 
the Electoral College, aided by Russia which saw in you "A Useful Idiot."


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