Al-Baghdadi Was A Confirmed Criminal, Trump Is An Inflated Hot Air Balloon!!

Some understanding of the Arab mind should here provide the context. That mind is shaped over centuries around this ethos: When your enemy falls down, don't gloat. Pray over their dead bodies as an act of healing. That tradition has been shaped by the rules of war in tribal societies. One of these rules calls for your praying over the body of your fallen enemy. You have won your battle; now show some humility.

But Trump's DNA shows no trace of magnanimity. His cowardice factors in; so does his fanciful lies about Al-Baghdadi crying and cowering like a dog. Trump makes up these scenarios all the time. He is a bully. And inside each bully, there is a coward.

That coward, who we now have as president, hopefully a one-term Chief Executive, has never seen public service throughout his charmed life. Trumpeting the death of Al-Baghdadi as if it were as important as the Normandi landings against the Nazis, may entice other Baghdadis to claim that dubious honor. Trump's search for a John Wayne persona in this grizzly episode does expose America to the danger of a fencer's quick return thrust.

A commander-in-chief who ascended to the Oval Office by a thin margin of the Electoral College, has also found it personally advantageous to compare Al-Baghdadi case to the Bin Laden episode. The central purpose of that comparison is to denigrate the feats of Obama. Of course Trump's brain does not conceive of the difference between the two cases. Obama worked through his national security council which included an illustrious Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. He was guided by assessments carefully made by a whole array of the intelligence community. In announcing its success, Obama credited the operatives who performed it, operatives who also observed Muslim traditions of burial.

Not so with Trump: The glory of that liquidation was all his; the details of Al-Baghdadi's end were all fabrications, except for the location. The bravery was not of those who had spent months mapping it out. For Trump, it was his proforma approval that worked out its magic.

It is sheer stupidity for Trump to claim that Al-Baghdadi's end was tantamount to the end of ISIS. ISIS is a very dangerous idea. And like any ideology, good or bad, it does not die when its main protagonist is liquidated. That terrorist organization lives on in both Asia and Africa, perhaps now more energized by Trump's phony trumphalism.

No surprise there: Trump who avoided the draft for five times, sees in these operations what a child sees in cartoons on TV. He feels the action, though he plays no part in it. Except to blurt out "Bravo" at the end. In Trump's case, even that cheering has become his own voice congratulating his little self on an accomplishment which others, not him, have heroically performed.

The headline in the New York Times of October 28 said it all. "It is not the end. Leader's death will damage ISIS, but not destroy it." Yes!! Al-Baghdadi was a criminal who, when cornered, killed himself. But Trump shall remain a coward by his own choice.

It is current knowledge that the Donald does not read. Resulting in a limited vocabulary including words and phrases like "dog," and "witch hunt." My neighbor's little daughter posed to me this question: "Does Trump have a dog?" "No," I answered. Beneath that question was a profound assumption: People with dogs know kindness. And "kindness," to Trump, is an alien concept.

Al-Baghdadi was not killed as "a whimpering dog." Trump, as usual, fabricated a scene and a sound in a situation to which he was not a witness. The Donald is never a witness to any act of courage and sacrifice. He uses the word "dog," as an elevator to his narcissistic self. To impress himself with a sense of feigned courage -very rusty for never being used.

Donald: Now that you have been impeached by the House of Representatives, and moved your domicile from New York to Florida, you need to stop your victory lap about Al-Baghdadi. Try to focus, if you ever can, on his successor. Another bad hombre by the name of Hajji Abdullah. The sewage pipe of crazy fanatics keeps on delivering an odorous flow.


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