
Showing posts from September, 2019

Trump's Push Toward Civil War

Nothing seems to matter to Trump's view of anything except one thing: Trump. His glorified narcissism is at its zenith whenever he is criticized or attacked. The Tweeter-in-Chief is always at the ready, defending himself while attacking his enemies. Trump's tools are at permanent deployment, with Fox News acting as his tanks divisions. "Make America Great Again" has, as a Trumpian slogan, always meant that America is for the whites only. All other colors and ethnicities represent to the Donald a kind of a fifth column, slowing his America from its manifest destiny. In his way of thinking, America should be walled off the rest of the globe. Especially against Mexico and southward. His vocabulary is a window to his muddled thinking. Calling Mexican immigrants rapists and drug mules, banning Muslims, describing African States "shit hole countries," and showing tacit support for white supremacists, are all indicative of racism and the desire to see in Americ